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# packages
pacman::p_load(tidyverse,        # data import and handling
               conflicted,       # handling function conflicts
               lme4, lmerTest,   # linear mixed model 
               emmeans, multcomp, multcompView, # mean comparisons
               ggplot2, desplot) # plots 

# conflicts: identical function names from different packages
conflict_prefer("lmer", "lmerTest")


This example is taken from Chapter “3.7 Analysis of a non-resolvable augmented design” of the course material “Mixed models for metric data (3402-451)” by Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Piepho. It considers data published in Peterson (1994) from a yield trial laid out as an augmented design. The genotypes (gen) include 3 standards (st, ci, wa) and 30 new cultivars of interest. The trial was laid out in 6 blocks (block). The 3 standards are tested in each block, while each entry is tested in only one of the blocks. Therefore, the blocks are “incomplete blocks”.


# data (import via URL)
dataURL <- ""
dat <- read_csv(dataURL)

## # A tibble: 48 × 5
##    gen   yield block   row   col
##    <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 st     2972 I         1     1
##  2 14     2405 I         2     1
##  3 26     2855 I         3     1
##  4 ci     2592 I         4     1
##  5 17     2572 I         5     1
##  6 wa     2608 I         6     1
##  7 22     2705 I         7     1
##  8 13     2391 I         8     1
##  9 st     3122 II        1     2
## 10 ci     3023 II        2     2
## # … with 38 more rows


Before anything, the columns gen and block should be encoded as factors, since R by default encoded them as character.

dat <- dat %>% 
  mutate_at(vars(gen, block), as.factor)


In order to obtain a field layout of the trial, we can use the desplot() function. Notice that for this we need two data columns that identify the row and column of each plot in the trial. Notice that for this example it makes sense to put in some extra effort to explicitly assign colors to the genotypes in a way that differentiates the standards (st, ci, wa) from all other genotypes.

# create a color-generating function
get_shades_of_blue <- colorRampPalette(colors=c("skyblue", "royalblue4"))
blue_30  <- get_shades_of_blue(30) # 30 shades of blue
orange_3 <- c("darkorange", "darkorange2", "darkorange3") # 3 shades of orange
blue_30_and_orange_3 <- c(blue_30, orange_3) # combine into single vector   

# name this vector of colors with genotype names
names(blue_30_and_orange_3) <- dat %>% 
  pull(gen) %>% as.character() %>% sort %>% unique

desplot(data = dat, flip = TRUE,
        form = gen ~ col + row, # fill color per genotype, headers per replicate
        col.regions = blue_30_and_orange_3,  # custom colors
        text = gen, cex = 1, shorten = "no", # show genotype names per plot
        out1 = block,                        # lines between complete blocks/replicates
        main = "Field layout", show.key = F) # formatting

We could also have a look at the arithmetic means and standard deviations for yield per genotype (gen) or block (inc.block). It must be clear, however, that except for the standards (st, ci, wa), there is always only a single value per genotype, so that the mean simply is that value and a standard error cannot be calculated at all.

dat %>% 
  group_by(gen) %>% 
  summarize(mean    = mean(yield),
   = sd(yield)) %>% 
  arrange(, desc(mean)) %>% # sort
  print(n=Inf) # print full table
## # A tibble: 33 × 3
##    gen    mean
##    <fct> <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 wa    2678.    615.
##  2 ci    2726.    711.
##  3 st    2759.    832.
##  4 19    3643      NA 
##  5 11    3380      NA 
##  6 07    3265      NA 
##  7 03    3055      NA 
##  8 04    3018      NA 
##  9 01    3013      NA 
## 10 30    2955      NA 
## 11 29    2915      NA 
## 12 27    2857      NA 
## 13 26    2855      NA 
## 14 25    2825      NA 
## 15 24    2783      NA 
## 16 23    2770      NA 
## 17 22    2705      NA 
## 18 20    2670      NA 
## 19 18    2603      NA 
## 20 17    2572      NA 
## 21 15    2477      NA 
## 22 14    2405      NA 
## 23 13    2391      NA 
## 24 12    2385      NA 
## 25 09    2268      NA 
## 26 06    2148      NA 
## 27 05    2065      NA 
## 28 28    1903      NA 
## 29 21    1688      NA 
## 30 16    1495      NA 
## 31 10    1293      NA 
## 32 08    1253      NA 
## 33 02    1055      NA
dat %>% 
  group_by(block) %>% 
  summarize(mean    = mean(yield),
   = sd(yield))  %>% 
  arrange(desc(mean)) %>% # sort
  print(n=Inf) # print full table
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   block  mean
##   <fct> <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 VI    3205.    417.
## 2 II    2864.    258.
## 3 IV    2797.    445.
## 4 I     2638.    202.
## 5 III   2567.    440.
## 6 V     1390.    207.
ggplot(data = dat, 
       aes(y = yield,
           x = gen,
           color = gen,
           shape = block)) +
  geom_point(size = 2) + # scatter plot with larger dots
  ylim(0, NA) + # force y-axis to start at 0
  scale_color_manual(values = blue_30_and_orange_3) + # custom colors
  guides(color = "none") + # turn off legend for colors
  theme_classic() + # clearer plot format
  theme(legend.position = "top") # legend on top


Finally, we can decide to fit a linear model with yield as the response variable and gen as fixed effects, since our goal is to compare them to each other. Since the trial was laid out in blocks, we also need block effects in the model, but these can be taken either as a fixed or as random effects. Since our goal is to compare genotypes, we will determine which of the two models we prefer by comparing the average standard error of a difference (s.e.d.) for the comparisons between adjusted genotype means - the lower the s.e.d. the better.

# blocks as fixed (linear model)
mod.fb <- lm(yield ~ gen + block,
             data = dat)

mod.fb %>%
  emmeans(pairwise ~ "gen",
          adjust = "tukey") %>%
  pluck("contrasts") %>% # extract diffs
  as_tibble %>% # format to table
  pull("SE") %>% # extract s.e.d. column
  mean() # get arithmetic mean
## [1] 461.3938
# blocks as random (linear mixed model)
mod.rb <- lmer(yield ~ gen + (1 | block),
               data = dat)

mod.rb %>%
  emmeans(pairwise ~ "gen",
          adjust = "tukey",
          lmer.df = "kenward-roger") %>%
  pluck("contrasts") %>% # extract diffs
  as_tibble %>% # format to table
  pull("SE") %>% # extract s.e.d. column
  mean() # get arithmetic mean
## [1] 462.0431

As a result, we find that the model with fixed block effects has the slightly smaller s.e.d. and is therefore more precise in terms of comparing genotypes.


Thus, we can conduct an ANOVA for this model. As can be seen, the F-test of the ANOVA finds the gen effects to be statistically significant (p = 0.0091 < 0.05).

mod.fb %>% anova()
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: yield
##           Df   Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
## gen       32 12626173  394568   4.331 0.0091056 ** 
## block      5  6968486 1393697  15.298 0.0002082 ***
## Residuals 10   911027   91103                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mean comparisons

It can be seen that while some genotypes have a higher yield than others, no differences are found to be statistically significant here. Accordingly, notice that e.g. for gen 11, which is the genotype with the highest adjusted yield mean (=3055), its lower confidence limit (=1587) includes gen 12, which is the genotype with the lowest adjusted yield mean (=1632).

mean_comparisons <- mod.fb %>%
  emmeans(pairwise ~ "gen",
          adjust = "tukey") %>%
  pluck("emmeans") %>%
  cld(details = TRUE, Letters = letters) # add letter display

# If cld() does not work, try CLD() instead.
# Add 'adjust="none"' to the emmeans() and cld() statement
# in order to obtain t-test instead of Tukey!

mean_comparisons$emmeans # adjusted genotype means
##  gen emmean  SE df lower.CL upper.CL .group
##  12    1632 341 10      872     2392  a    
##  06    1823 341 10     1063     2583  a    
##  28    1862 341 10     1102     2622  a    
##  09    1943 341 10     1183     2703  a    
##  05    2024 341 10     1264     2784  a    
##  29    2162 341 10     1402     2922  a    
##  01    2260 341 10     1500     3020  a    
##  15    2324 341 10     1564     3084  a    
##  02    2330 341 10     1570     3090  a    
##  20    2345 341 10     1585     3105  a    
##  13    2388 341 10     1628     3148  a    
##  14    2402 341 10     1642     3162  a    
##  23    2445 341 10     1685     3205  a    
##  07    2512 341 10     1752     3272  a    
##  08    2528 341 10     1768     3288  a    
##  18    2562 341 10     1802     3322  a    
##  10    2568 341 10     1808     3328  a    
##  17    2569 341 10     1809     3329  a    
##  24    2630 341 10     1870     3390  a    
##  wa    2678 123 10     2403     2952  a    
##  22    2702 341 10     1942     3462  a    
##  ci    2726 123 10     2451     3000  a    
##  st    2759 123 10     2485     3034  a    
##  16    2770 341 10     2010     3530  a    
##  25    2784 341 10     2024     3544  a    
##  30    2802 341 10     2042     3562  a    
##  27    2816 341 10     2056     3576  a    
##  26    2852 341 10     2092     3612  a    
##  04    2865 341 10     2105     3625  a    
##  19    2890 341 10     2130     3650  a    
##  03    2902 341 10     2142     3662  a    
##  21    2963 341 10     2203     3723  a    
##  11    3055 341 10     2295     3815  a    
## Results are averaged over the levels of: block 
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 33 estimates 
## significance level used: alpha = 0.05 
## NOTE: If two or more means share the same grouping symbol,
##       then we cannot show them to be different.
##       But we also did not show them to be the same.

Present results

Mean comparisons

For this example we can create a plot that displays both the raw data and the results, i.e. the comparisons of the adjusted means that are based on the linear model.

# genotypes ordered by mean yield
gen_order_emmean <- mean_comparisons$emmeans %>% 
  arrange(emmean) %>% 
  pull(gen) %>% 

# assign this order to emmeans object
mean_comparisons$emmeans <- mean_comparisons$emmeans %>% 
  mutate(gen = fct_relevel(gen, gen_order_emmean))

# assign this order to dat object
dat <- dat %>% 
  mutate(gen = fct_relevel(gen, gen_order_emmean))
ggplot() +
  # blue/orange dots representing the raw data
    data = dat,
    aes(y = yield, x = gen, color = gen)
  ) +
  scale_color_manual(values = blue_30_and_orange_3) + # custom colors
  guides(color = "none") + # turn off legend for colors
  # red dots representing the adjusted means
    data = mean_comparisons$emmeans,
    aes(y = emmean, x = gen),
    color = "red",
    position = position_nudge(x = 0.2)
  ) +
  # red error bars representing the confidence limits of the adjusted means
    data = mean_comparisons$emmeans,
    aes(ymin = lower.CL, ymax = upper.CL, x = gen),
    color = "red",
    width = 0.1,
    position = position_nudge(x = 0.2)
  ) +
  # red letters 
    data = mean_comparisons$emmeans,
    aes(y = lower.CL, x = gen, label = .group),
    color = "red",
    angle = 90,
    hjust = 1,
    position = position_nudge(y = - 25)
  ) + 
  ylim(0, NA) + # force y-axis to start at 0
  ylab("Yield in t/ha") + # label y-axis
  xlab("Genotype") +      # label x-axis
  labs(caption = "Blue/orange dots represent raw data
       Red dots and error bars represent adjusted mean with 95% confidence limits per genotype
       Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different according to the Tukey-test") +
  theme_classic() # clearer plot format 


Exercise 1

TThis example is taken from Chapter “3.9 Analysis of a resolvable design with checks” of the course material “Mixed models for metric data (3402-451)” by Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Piepho. It considers data from an augmented design that was laid out for 90 entries and 6 checks. The block size was 10. Incomplete blocks were formed according to a 10 x 10 lattice design, in which incomplete blocks can be grouped into complete replicates. Thus, this is a resolvable design. Checks are coded as 1001 to 1006, while the 90 entries are coded as 2 to 100 (note that there are no entries with labels 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81 and 91). Some of the checks have extra replication. We here consider the trait “yield”.

  • Explore
    • Draw a plot with yield per genotype
  • Analyze
    • Set up two models: One with blocks as fixed and one with blocks as random. Compare their average s.e.d. between genotype means. Choose the model with the smaller value.
    • Compute an ANOVA for the chose model.
    • Perform multiple (mean) comparisons based on the chosen model.
# data (import via URL)
dataURL <- ""
ex1dat <- read_csv(dataURL)

desplot(data = ex1dat, flip = TRUE,
        form = block ~ col + row | rep, # fill color per block, headers per replicate
        text = geno, cex = 0.75, shorten = "no", # show genotype names per plot
        col  = genoCheck, # different color for check genotypes
        out1 = rep,   out1.gpar = list(col = "black"), # lines between reps
        out2 = block, out2.gpar = list(col = "darkgrey"), # lines between blocks
        main = "Field layout", show.key = F) # formatting

R-Code and exercise solutions

Please click here to find a folder with .R files. Each file contains

  • the entire R-code of each example combined, including
  • solutions to the respective exercise(s).

Please feel free to contact me about any of this!