There is a newer, revised version of this website:

# packages

# the package "mixedup" is not on CRAN, so that you must install
# it once with the following code:
withr::with_envvar(c(R_REMOTES_NO_ERRORS_FROM_WARNINGS = "true"),

pacman::p_load(agriTutorial, tidyverse,  # data import and handling
               conflicted, # handle conflicting functions
               nlme, glmmTMB, # linear mixed modelling
               mixedup, AICcmodavg, car, # linear mixed model processing
               emmeans, multcomp, multcompView, # mean comparisons
               ggplot2, gganimate, gifski)  # (animated) plots 

conflict_prefer("select", "dplyr") # set select() from dplyr as default
conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr") # set filter() from dplyr as default


The example in this chapter is taken from Example 4 in Piepho & Edmondson (2018) (see also the Agritutorial vigniette). It considers data from a sorghum trial laid out as a randomized complete block design (5 blocks) with variety (4 sorghum varities) being the only treatment factor. Thus, we have a total of 20 plots. It is important to note that our response variable (y), the leaf area index, was assessed in five consecutive weeks on each plot starting 2 weeks after emergence. Therefore, the dataset contains a total of 100 values and what we have here is longitudinal data, a.k.a. repeated measurements over time, a.k.a. a time series analysis.

As Piepho & Edmondson (2018) put it: “the week factor is not a treatment factor that can be randomized. Instead, repeated measurements are taken on each plot on five consecutive occasions. Successive measurements on the same plot are likely to be serially correlated, and this means that for a reliable and efficient analysis of repeated-measures data we need to take proper account of the serial correlations between the repeated measures (Piepho, Büchse & Richter, 2004; Pinheiro & Bates, 2000).”

Please note that this example is also considered on the MMFAIR website but with more focus on how to use the different mixed model packages to fit the models.

Import & Formatting

Note that I here decided to give more intuitive names and labels, but this is optional. We also create a column unit with one factor level per observation, which will be needed later when using glmmTMB().

# data - reformatting agriTutorial::sorghum
dat <- agriTutorial::sorghum %>% # data from agriTutorial package
  rename(block = Replicate, 
         weekF = factweek,  # week as factor
         weekN = varweek,   # week as numeric/integer
         plot  = factplot) %>% 
  mutate(variety = paste0("var", variety),    # variety id
         block   = paste0("block", block),    # block id
         weekF   = paste0("week", weekF),     # week id
         plot    = paste0("plot", plot),      # plot id
         unit    = paste0("obs", 1:n() )) %>% # obsevation id
  mutate_at(vars(variety:plot, unit), as.factor) %>% 

## # A tibble: 100 × 8
##        y variety block  weekF plot  weekN varblock unit 
##    <dbl> <fct>   <fct>  <fct> <fct> <int>    <int> <fct>
##  1  5    var1    block1 week1 plot1     1        1 obs1 
##  2  4.84 var1    block1 week2 plot1     2        1 obs2 
##  3  4.02 var1    block1 week3 plot1     3        1 obs3 
##  4  3.75 var1    block1 week4 plot1     4        1 obs4 
##  5  3.13 var1    block1 week5 plot1     5        1 obs5 
##  6  4.42 var1    block2 week1 plot2     1        2 obs6 
##  7  4.3  var1    block2 week2 plot2     2        2 obs7 
##  8  3.67 var1    block2 week3 plot2     3        2 obs8 
##  9  3.23 var1    block2 week4 plot2     4        2 obs9 
## 10  2.83 var1    block2 week5 plot2     5        2 obs10
## # … with 90 more rows


In order to obtain a field layout of the trial, we would like use the desplot() function. Notice that for this we need two data columns that identify the row and col of each plot in the trial. These are unfortunately not given here, so that we cannot create the actual field layout plot.

descriptive tables

We could also have a look at the arithmetic means and standard deviations for yield per variety.

dat %>% 
  group_by(variety) %>% 
  summarize(mean    = mean(y, na.rm=TRUE),
   = sd(y, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  arrange(desc(mean)) %>% # sort
  print(n=Inf) # print full table
## # A tibble: 4 × 3
##   variety  mean
##   <fct>   <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 var3     4.63   0.757
## 2 var4     4.61   0.802
## 3 var2     4.59   0.763
## 4 var1     3.50   0.760

Furthermore, we could look at the arithmetic means for each week as follows:

dat %>% 
  group_by(weekF, variety) %>% 
  summarize(mean = mean(y, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = weekF, values_from = mean)  
## # A tibble: 4 × 6
##   variety week1 week2 week3 week4 week5
##   <fct>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 var1     4.24  4.05  3.41  3.09  2.7 
## 2 var2     5.15  4.98  4.59  4.22  4.01
## 3 var3     4.89  5.07  4.71  4.48  4.02
## 4 var4     5.15  4.94  4.71  4.39  3.83

descriptive plot

We can also create a plot to get a better feeling for the data. Note that here we could even decide to extend the ggplot to become an animated gif as follows:

var_colors <- c("#8cb369", "#f4a259", "#5b8e7d", "#bc4b51")
names(var_colors) <- dat$variety %>% levels()

gganimate_plot <- ggplot(
  data = dat, aes(y = y, x = weekF,
                  group = variety,
                  color = variety)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5, size = 3) +
    name = "Leaf area index",
    limits = c(0, 6.5),
    expand = c(0, 0),
    breaks = c(0:6)
  ) +
  scale_color_manual(values = var_colors) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom", 
        axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
  transition_time(weekN) +
  shadow_mark(exclude_layer = 2) 

animate(gganimate_plot, renderer = gifski_renderer()) # render gif

Model building

Our goal is therefore to build a suitable model taking serial correlation into account. In order to do this, we will initially consider the model for a single time point. Then, we extend this model to account for multiple weeks by allowing for week-speficic effects. Finally, we further allow for serially correlated error terms.

Single week

When looking at data from a single time point (e.g. the first week), we merely have 20 observations from a randomized complete block design with a single treatment factor. It can therefore be analyzed with a simple one-way ANOVA (fixed variety effect) for randomized complete block designs (fixed block effect):

dat.wk1 <- dat %>% filter(weekF == "week1") # subset data from first week only

mod.wk1 <- lm(formula = y ~ variety + block,
              data = dat.wk1)

We could now go on and look at the ANOVA via anova(mod.wk1) and it would indeed not be wrong to simply repeat this for each week. Yet, one may not be satisfied with obtaining multiple ANOVA results - namely one per week. This is especially likeliy in case the results contradict each other, because e.g. the variety effects are found to be significant in only two out of five weeks. Therefore, one may want to analyze the entire dataset i.e. the multiple weeks jointly.

Multiple weeks (MW)

Going from the single-week-analysis to jointly analyzing the entire dataset is more than just changing the data = statement in the model. This is because “it is realistic to assume that the treatment effects evolve over time and thus are week-specific. Importantly, we must also allow for the block effects to change over time in an individual manner. For example, there could be fertility or soil type differences between blocks and these could have a smooth progressive or cumulative time-based effect on differences between the blocks dependent on factors such as temperature or rainfall” (Piepho & Edmondson, 2018). We implement this by taking the model in mod.wk1 and multipyling each effect with week. Note that this is also true for the general interecept (µ) in mod.wk1, meaning that we would like to include one intercept per week, which can be achieved by simply adding week as a main effect as well. This leaves us with fixed main effects for week, variety, and block, as well as the week-specific effects of the latter two week:variety and week:block.

Finally, note that we are not doing anything about the model’s error term at this point. More specifically this means that its variance structure is still the default iid (independent and identically distributed) - see the summary on correlation/variance strucutres at the MMFAIR website.

I decide to use the glmmTMB package to fit the linear models here, because I feel that their syntax is more intuitive. Note that one may also use the nlme package to do this, just as (Piepho & Edmondson, 2018) did and you can find a direct comparison of the R syntax with additional information in the MMFAIR chapter.

MW - indepentent errors


With the glmmTMB() function, it is possible to

  1. fix the error variance to 0 via adding the dispformula = ~ 0 argument and then
  2. mimic the error (variance) as a random effect (variance) via the unit column with different entries for each data point.

While this may not be necessary for this model with the default homoscedastic, independent error variance structure, using it here will allow for an intuitve comparison to the following model with more sophisticated variance structures.

mod.iid <- glmmTMB(formula = y ~ weekF * (variety + block) 
                        + (1 | unit),      # add random unit term to mimic error variance
                        dispformula = ~ 0, # fix original error variance to 0
                        REML = TRUE,       # needs to be stated since default = ML
                        data = dat) 

# Extract variance component estimates
# alternative: mod.iid %>% broom.mixed::tidy(effects = "ran_pars", scales = "vcov")
mod.iid %>% mixedup::extract_vc(ci_scale = "var") 
## # A tibble: 2 × 7
##   group    effect    variance    sd var_2.5 var_97.5 var_prop
##   <chr>    <chr>        <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 unit     Intercept    0.023 0.152   0.016    0.033        1
## 2 Residual <NA>         0     0      NA       NA            0

As expected, we find the residual variance to be 0 and instead we have the mimiced homoscedastic, independent error variance for the random (1 | unit) effect estimated as 0.023.


Since the models in this chapter do not contain any random effects, we make use of gls() instead of lme(). Furthermore, we specifically write out the correlation = NULL argument to get a homoscedastic, independent error variance structure. While this may not be necessary because it is the default, using it here will allow for an intuitve comparison to the following models with more sophisticated variance structures.

mod.iid.nlme <- gls(model = y ~ weekF * (block + variety), 
                    correlation = NULL, # default, i.e. homoscedastic, independent errors
                    data = dat)

# Extract variance component estimates
tibble(varstruct = "iid") %>% 
  mutate(sigma    = mod.iid.nlme$sigma) %>% 
  mutate(Variance = sigma^2)
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
##   varstruct sigma Variance
##   <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 iid       0.152   0.0232

It can be seen that the residual homoscedastic, independent error variance was estimated as 0.023.

MW - autocorrelated errors

Note that at this point of the analysis, the model above with an independent, homogeneous error term above is neither the right, nor the wrong choice. It must be clear that “measurements on the same plot are likely to be serially correlated”. Thus, it should be investigated whether any covariance structure for the error term (instead of the default independence between errors) is more appropriate to model this dataset. It could theoretically be the case that this mod.iid is the best choice here, but we cannot confirm this yet, as we have not looked at any alternatives. This is what we will do in the next step.

One may ask at what step of the analysis it is best to compare and find the appropriate covariance structure for the error term in such a scenario. It is indeed here, at this step. As Piepho & Edmondson (2018) write: Before modelling the treatment effect, a variance–covariance model needs to be identified for these correlations. This is best done by using a saturated model for treatments and time, i.e., a model that considers all treatment factors and time as qualitative.” Note that this saturated model is what we have in mod.iid. So in short: one should compare variance structures for the error term before running an ANOVA / conducting model selection steps.

Units on which repeated observations are taken are often referred to as subjects. We would now like to allow measurements taken on the same subjects (plot in this case) to be serially correlated, while observations on different subjects are still considered independent. More specifically, we want the errors of the respective observations to be correlated in our model.

Take the visualisation on the left depicting a subset of our data. Here, you can see plots 1 and 2 (out of the total of 20 in our dataset) side by side. Furthermore, they are shown for weeks 1-3 (out of the total of 5 in our dataset). Thus, a total of six values are represented, coming from only two subjects/plots, but obtained in three different weeks. The blue arrows represent correlation among errors. For these six measurements, there are six blue arrows, since there are six error pairs that come from the same plot, respectively. The green lines on the other hand represent error pairs that do not come from the same plot and thus are assumed to be independent. Finally, notice that the errors coming from the same plot, but with two instead of just one week between their measurements, are shown in a lighter blue. This is because one may indeed assume a weaker correlation between errors that are further apart in terms of time passed between measurements.

The latter can be achieved by using a correlation structure for repeated measures over time. Maybe most popular correlation structure is called first order autoregressive AR(1). It should be noted that this correlation structure is useful, if all time points are equally spaced, which is the case here, as there is always exactly one week between consecutive time points. As can be seen in the analysis of Example 4 in Piepho & Edmondson (2018) and the corresponding Agritutorial vigniette, however, there are more options that just AR(1). Therefore, we will also try out multiple variance structures to model the serial correlation of our longitudinal data.



To model the variance structure of our mimiced error term as first order autoregressive, we replace the (1 | unit) from the iid model with ar1(weekF + 0 | plot). As can be seen, subjects are identified after the | and the variance structure in this syntax.

Note that by adding the show_cor = TRUE argument to the extract_vc function, we obtain two outputs: The variance component estimates, as seen above for the iid model, as well as the correlation matrix / variance structure for a single plot.

mod.AR1 <- glmmTMB(formula = y ~ weekF * (variety + block) +
                     ar1(weekF + 0 | plot), # ar1 structure as random term to mimic error var
                   dispformula = ~ 0, # fix original error variance to 0
                   REML = TRUE,       # needs to be stated since default = ML
                   data = dat) 

# Extract variance component estimates
# alternative: mod.ar1 %>% broom.mixed::tidy(effects = "ran_pars", scales = "vcov")
mod.AR1 %>% extract_vc(ci_scale = "var", show_cor = TRUE) 
## $`Variance Components`
## # A tibble: 2 × 6
##   group    variance    sd var_2.5 var_97.5 var_prop
##   <chr>       <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 plot        0.022 0.149   0.013    0.038      0.2
## 2 Residual    0     0      NA       NA          0  
## $Cor
## $Cor$plot
##            weekFweek1 weekFweek2 weekFweek3 weekFweek4 weekFweek5
## weekFweek1      1.000      0.749      0.561      0.420      0.315
## weekFweek2      0.749      1.000      0.749      0.561      0.420
## weekFweek3      0.561      0.749      1.000      0.749      0.561
## weekFweek4      0.420      0.561      0.749      1.000      0.749
## weekFweek5      0.315      0.420      0.561      0.749      1.000

We can see that the we get \(\sigma^2_{plot} =\) 0.022 and a \(\rho =\) 0.749.


In nlme we make use of the correlation = argument and use the corAR1 correlation strucutre class. In its syntax, subjects are identified after the |.

mod.AR1.nlme <- gls(model = y ~ weekF * (block + variety),
                    correlation = corAR1(form = ~ weekN | plot),
                    data = dat)

# Extract variance component estimates
tibble(varstruct = "ar(1)") %>%
  mutate(sigma    = mod.AR1.nlme$sigma,
         rho      = coef(mod.AR1.nlme$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)) %>%
  mutate(Variance = sigma^2,
         Corr1wk  = rho,
         Corr2wks = rho^2,
         Corr3wks = rho^3,
         Corr4wks = rho^4)
## # A tibble: 1 × 8
##   varstruct sigma   rho Variance Corr1wk Corr2wks Corr3wks Corr4wks
##   <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 ar(1)     0.149 0.749   0.0222   0.749    0.561    0.420    0.315

We can see that the we get \(\sigma^2_{plot} =\) 0.022 and a \(\rho =\) 0.749.

nlme V2

For completeness, I want to show that the same model can also be fit in nlme via the corExp correlation strucutre class. Note that this was actually done in the Agritutorial vigniette and Piepho & Edmondson (2018) write in Appendix 2: “Initially, we used corCAR1() to fit the model correlation structure but subsequently found that corExp() was more flexible as it allowed the inclusion of a “nugget” term, which seemingly cannot be done with corCAR1(). We note that it is essential that the variable weeks in the specification of the correlation structure, corr = corExp (form = ~weeks|Plots), is a numeric variable with values representing the time values of the repeated measurements. Note that this code will also work for repeated observations that are not necessarily equally spaced. It is also necessary that each plot has a unique level for the variable Plots.”

Notice also that the increased flexibility comes at a price: Extracting the estimate for \(\rho\) takes quite some code:

mod.AR1.nlme.V2 <- gls(model = y ~ weekF * (variety + block),
                       correlation = corExp(form = ~ weekN | plot),
                       data = dat)

tibble(varstruct = "ar(1)") %>%
  mutate(sigma    = mod.AR1.nlme.V2$sigma,
         rho      = exp(-1/coef(mod.AR1.nlme.V2$modelStruct$corStruct, 
                                unconstrained = FALSE))) %>%
  mutate(Variance = sigma^2,
         Corr1wk  = rho,
         Corr2wks = rho^2,
         Corr3wks = rho^3,
         Corr4wks = rho^4)
## # A tibble: 1 × 8
##   varstruct sigma   rho Variance Corr1wk Corr2wks Corr3wks Corr4wks
##   <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 ar(1)     0.149 0.749   0.0222   0.749    0.561    0.420    0.315

We can see that the we get \(\sigma^2_{plot} =\) 0.022 and a \(\rho =\) 0.749.

AR(1) + nugget


not possible ?

mod.AR1nugget <- glmmTMB(formula = y ~ weekF * (variety + block) +
                           ar1(weekF + 0 | plot), # ar1 structure as random term to mimic error var
                         # dispformula = ~ 0, # error variance allowed = nugget!
                         REML = TRUE,       # needs to be stated since default = ML
                         data = dat) 

# show variance components
# alternative: mod.AR1nugget %>% broom.mixed::tidy(effects = "ran_pars", scales = "vcov")
mod.AR1nugget %>% extract_vc(ci_scale = "var", show_cor = TRUE) 

# We can see that the we get $\sigma^2_{plot} =$ `0.019`, an additional residual/nugget variance  $\sigma^2_{N} =$ `0.004` and a $\rho =$ of `0.908`.


As pointed out by Piepho & Edmondson (2018) write in Appendix 2: “Initially, we used corCAR1() to fit the model correlation structure but subsequently found that corExp() was more flexible as it allowed the inclusion of a “nugget” term, which seemingly cannot be done with corCAR1(). We note that it is essential that the variable weeks in the specification of the correlation structure, corr = corExp (form = ~weeks|Plots), is a numeric variable with values representing the time values of the repeated measurements. Note that this code will also work for repeated observations that are not necessarily equally spaced. It is also necessary that each plot has a unique level for the variable Plots.” This was also done in the Agritutorial vigniette.

Notice also that the increased flexibility comes at a price: Extracting the estimate for \(\rho\) takes quite some code:

mod.AR1nugget.nlme <- gls(model = y ~ weekF * (block + variety),
                          correlation = corExp(form = ~ weekN | plot, nugget = TRUE),
                          data = dat)

tibble(varstruct = "ar(1) + nugget") %>%
  mutate(sigma    = mod.AR1nugget.nlme$sigma,
         nugget   = coef(mod.AR1nugget.nlme$modelStruct$corStruct, 
                         unconstrained = FALSE)[2],
         rho      = (1-coef(mod.AR1nugget.nlme$modelStruct$corStruct, 
                            unconstrained = FALSE)[2])*
                                unconstrained = FALSE)[1])) %>%
  mutate(Variance = sigma^2,
         Corr1wk  = rho,
         Corr2wks = rho^2,
         Corr3wks = rho^3,
         Corr4wks = rho^4)
## # A tibble: 1 × 9
##   varstruct      sigma nugget   rho Variance Corr1wk Corr2wks Corr3wks Corr4wks
##   <chr>          <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 ar(1) + nugget 0.150  0.172 0.752   0.0225   0.752    0.565    0.425    0.319

We can see that the we get \(\sigma^2_{plot} =\) 0.0225 and a \(\rho =\) 0.752.


glmmTMB (hCS!)

Note that glmmTMB() only allows for heterogengeous compound symmetry and not standard compound symmetry!

To model the variance structure of our mimiced error term as a heterogeneous compound symmetry structure, we use cs(weekF + 0 | plot). Notice that this is not the simple compound symmetry structure that Piepho & Edmondson (2018) applied, because glmmTMB() only allows for heterogeneous compound symmetry at the moment.

mod.hCS <- glmmTMB(formula = y ~ weekF * (variety + block) +
                     cs(weekF + 0 | plot), # hcs structure as random term to mimic error var
                   dispformula = ~ 0, # fix original error variance to 0
                   REML = TRUE,       # needs to be stated since default = ML
                   data = dat) 

# show variance components
# alternative: mod.hCS %>% broom.mixed::tidy(effects = "ran_pars", scales = "vcov")
mod.hCS %>% extract_vc(ci_scale = "var", show_cor = TRUE) 
## $`Variance Components`
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##   group    effect     variance    sd var_2.5 var_97.5 var_prop
##   <chr>    <chr>         <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 plot     weekFweek1    0.021 0.144   0.009    0.046    0.181
## 2 plot     weekFweek2    0.022 0.147   0.01     0.048    0.188
## 3 plot     weekFweek3    0.021 0.146   0.01     0.047    0.186
## 4 plot     weekFweek4    0.029 0.171   0.014    0.063    0.254
## 5 plot     weekFweek5    0.022 0.148   0.01     0.049    0.191
## 6 Residual <NA>          0     0      NA       NA        0    
## $Cor
## $Cor$plot
##            weekFweek1 weekFweek2 weekFweek3 weekFweek4 weekFweek5
## weekFweek1      1.000      0.702      0.702      0.702      0.702
## weekFweek2      0.702      1.000      0.702      0.702      0.702
## weekFweek3      0.702      0.702      1.000      0.702      0.702
## weekFweek4      0.702      0.702      0.702      1.000      0.702
## weekFweek5      0.702      0.702      0.702      0.702      1.000

We can see that the we get heterogeneous \(\sigma^2_{plot}\) estimates per week: 0.021, 0.022, 0.021, 0.029, 0.022 and a \(\rho =\) 0.702.


In nlme we make use of the correlation = argument and use the corCompSymm correlation strucutre class. In its syntax, subjects are identified after the |.

mod.CS.nlme <- gls(y ~ weekF * (block + variety),
                   corr = corCompSymm(form = ~ weekN | plot),
                   data = dat)

tibble(varstruct = "cs") %>%
  mutate(sigma    = mod.CS.nlme$sigma,
         rho      = coef(mod.CS.nlme$modelStruct$corStruct, unconstrained = FALSE)) %>%
  mutate(Variance = sigma^2,
         Corr1wk  = rho,
         Corr2wks = rho,
         Corr3wks = rho,
         Corr4wks = rho)
## # A tibble: 1 × 8
##   varstruct sigma   rho Variance Corr1wk Corr2wks Corr3wks Corr4wks
##   <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 cs        0.152 0.701   0.0232   0.701    0.701    0.701    0.701

We can see that the we get \(\sigma^2_{plot} =\) 0.023 and a \(\rho =\) of 0.701.



To model the variance structure of our mimiced error term as a toeplitz structure, we use toep(weekF + 0 | plot).

mod.Toep <- glmmTMB(formula = y ~ weekF * (variety + block) +
                     toep(weekF + 0 | plot), # teop structure as random term to mimic err var
                   dispformula = ~ 0, # fix original error variance to 0
                   REML = TRUE,       # needs to be stated since default = ML
                   data = dat) 

# show variance components
# alternative: mod.Toep %>% broom.mixed::tidy(effects = "ran_pars", scales = "vcov")
mod.Toep %>% extract_vc(ci_scale = "var", show_cor = TRUE) 
## $`Variance Components`
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##   group    effect     variance    sd var_2.5 var_97.5 var_prop
##   <chr>    <chr>         <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 plot     weekFweek1    0.021 0.144   0.009    0.046    0.182
## 2 plot     weekFweek2    0.023 0.152   0.01     0.052    0.202
## 3 plot     weekFweek3    0.022 0.147   0.01     0.048    0.19 
## 4 plot     weekFweek4    0.029 0.17    0.013    0.062    0.253
## 5 plot     weekFweek5    0.02  0.141   0.009    0.043    0.174
## 6 Residual <NA>          0     0      NA       NA        0    
## $Cor
## $Cor$plot
##            weekFweek1 weekFweek2 weekFweek3 weekFweek4 weekFweek5
## weekFweek1      1.000      0.764      0.691      0.637      0.552
## weekFweek2      0.764      1.000      0.764      0.691      0.637
## weekFweek3      0.691      0.764      1.000      0.764      0.691
## weekFweek4      0.637      0.691      0.764      1.000      0.764
## weekFweek5      0.552      0.637      0.691      0.764      1.000

We can see that the we get heterogeneous \(\sigma^2_{plot}\) estimates per week: 0.021, 0.023, 0.022, 0.029, 0.020 and a heterogeneous \(\rho\) per week-difference: 0.764, 0.691, 0.637 and 0.552.


not possible? At least it is not included in the agriTutorial vigniette and there is no obviously corresponding cor.class found in the nlme documentation.



To model the variance structure of our mimiced error term as a completely unstrucutred variance structure, we use us(weekF + 0 | plot).

mod.UN <- glmmTMB(formula = y ~ weekF * (variety + block) +
                     us(weekF + 0 | plot), # us structure as random term to mimic error var
                   dispformula = ~ 0, # fix original error variance to 0
                   REML = TRUE,       # needs to be stated since default = ML
                   data = dat) 

# show variance components
# alternative: mod.UN %>% broom.mixed::tidy(effects = "ran_pars", scales = "vcov")
mod.UN %>% extract_vc(ci_scale = "var", show_cor = TRUE) 
## $`Variance Components`
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##   group    effect     variance    sd var_2.5 var_97.5 var_prop
##   <chr>    <chr>         <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 plot     weekFweek1    0.02  0.141   0.009    0.044    0.17 
## 2 plot     weekFweek2    0.021 0.143   0.009    0.046    0.177
## 3 plot     weekFweek3    0.022 0.149   0.01     0.05     0.192
## 4 plot     weekFweek4    0.033 0.181   0.015    0.073    0.282
## 5 plot     weekFweek5    0.021 0.143   0.009    0.046    0.178
## 6 Residual <NA>          0     0      NA       NA        0    
## $Cor
## $Cor$plot
##            weekFweek1 weekFweek2 weekFweek3 weekFweek4 weekFweek5
## weekFweek1      1.000      0.708      0.644      0.748      0.534
## weekFweek2      0.708      1.000      0.634      0.744      0.549
## weekFweek3      0.644      0.634      1.000      0.934      0.718
## weekFweek4      0.748      0.744      0.934      1.000      0.776
## weekFweek5      0.534      0.549      0.718      0.776      1.000

As can be seen, each week gets its own variance and also each pair of weeks gets individual correlations.


In nlme we make use of the correlation = argument and use the corSymm correlation strucutre class in combination with the varIdent() in the weights= argument, which is used to allow for different variances according to the levels of a classification factor. In its syntax, subjects are identified after the |.

mod.UN.nlme <- gls(y ~ weekF * (block + variety), 
                   corr = corSymm(form = ~ 1 | plot), 
                   weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1|weekF), 
                   data = dat)

# Extract variance component estimates: variances
mod.UN.nlme$modelStruct$varStruct %>%
  coef(unconstrained = FALSE, allCoef = TRUE) %>% 
  enframe(name = "grp", value = "varStruct") %>%
  mutate(sigma         = mod.UN.nlme$sigma) %>%
  mutate(StandardError = sigma * varStruct) %>%
  mutate(Variance      = StandardError ^ 2)
## # A tibble: 5 × 5
##   grp   varStruct sigma StandardError Variance
##   <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 week1      1    0.141         0.141   0.0197
## 2 week2      1.02 0.141         0.143   0.0206
## 3 week3      1.06 0.141         0.149   0.0223
## 4 week4      1.29 0.141         0.181   0.0327
## 5 week5      1.02 0.141         0.143   0.0206
# Extract variance component estimates: correlations
## Correlation structure of class corSymm representing
##  Correlation: 
##   1     2     3     4    
## 2 0.708                  
## 3 0.644 0.634            
## 4 0.748 0.744 0.934      
## 5 0.534 0.549 0.718 0.776

As can be seen, each week gets its own variance and also each pair of weeks gets individual correlations.

Model selection

variance structure


In order to select the best model here, we can simply compare their AIC values, since all models are identical regarding their fixed effects part. The smaller the value of AIC, the better is the fit:

  cand.set = list(mod.iid, mod.hCS, mod.AR1, mod.Toep, mod.UN), 
  modnames = c("iid", "hCS", "AR1", "Toeplitz", "UN"),
  second.ord = FALSE) # get AIC instead of AICc
## Model selection based on AIC:
##           K   AIC Delta_AIC AICWt Cum.Wt    LL
## AR1      42 38.04      0.00  0.96   0.96 22.98
## hCS      46 45.25      7.20  0.03   0.98 23.38
## UN       55 47.10      9.05  0.01   0.99 31.45
## Toeplitz 49 47.88      9.84  0.01   1.00 25.06
## iid      41 78.26     40.22  0.00   1.00  1.87

According to the AIC value, the mod.AR1 model is the best, suggesting that the plot values across weeks are indeed autocorrelated (as opposed to the mod.iid model) and that from all the potential variance structures, the first order autoregressive structure was best able to capture this autocorrelation.


In order to select the best model here, we can simply compare their AIC values, since all models are identical regarding their fixed effects part. The smaller the value of AIC, the better is the fit:

  cand.set = list(mod.iid.nlme, mod.CS.nlme, mod.AR1.nlme, mod.AR1nugget.nlme, mod.UN.nlme), 
  modnames = c("iid", "CS", "AR1", "AR1 + nugget", "UN"),
  second.ord = FALSE) # get AIC instead of AICc
## Model selection based on AIC:
##               K   AIC Delta_AIC AICWt Cum.Wt Res.LL
## AR1 + nugget 43 37.48      0.00  0.42   0.42  24.26
## AR1          42 38.04      0.57  0.31   0.73  22.98
## CS           42 38.38      0.90  0.27   1.00  22.81
## UN           55 47.10      9.62  0.00   1.00  31.45
## iid          41 78.26     40.78  0.00   1.00   1.87

According to the AIC value, the mod.AR1 model is the best, suggesting that the plot values across weeks are indeed autocorrelated (as opposed to the mod.iid model) and that from all the potential variance structures, the first order autoregressive structure was best able to capture this autocorrelation.

time trend as (polynomial) regression model

So far, we have focussed on dealing with potentially correlated error terms for our repeated measures data. Now that we dealt with this and found an optimal solution, we are now ready to select a regression model for time trend. As a reminder, this is the data we are dealing with (this time not animated):

ggplot(data = dat, 
       aes(y = y, x = weekF,
           group = variety,
           color = variety)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.75, size = 3) +
  stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="line") + # lines between means
    name = "Leaf area index",
    limits = c(0, 6.5),
    expand = c(0, 0),
    breaks = c(0:6)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = var_colors) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom", 
        axis.title.x = element_blank())

It can now be asked whether the trend over time is simply linear (in the sense of y = a + bx) or can better be modelled as with a polynomial regression (i.e. y = a + bx + cx² or y = a + bx + cx² + dx³ and so on). Very roughly put, we are asking whether a straight line fits the data well enough or if we should instead use a model that results in some sort of curved line.

In order to answer this question, we use the lack-of-fit method to determine which degree of a polynomial regression we should go with. We start with the linear regression model.

work in progress


Please feel free to contact me about any of this!