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  • Fixed terms
    • Wald-type F tests (ANOVA)
    • Post hoc analysis
      • t-test
      • Tukey’s test etc.
  • Random terms
    • Model Fit Statistics
      • Log-Likelihood
      • AIC
      • BIC

It is often the case that a selection must be made on which model is suitable to analyze a given dataset. Note that “model selection” rarely means a single instant decision for a well thought out model. Instead, model selection is usually a process where e.g. effects (fixed and/or random), variance structures and/or data transformations are being investigated step-by-step in order to ultimately make an informed decision on which model works best for a given dataset. Several aspects go into the decision making and there is not always a single correct way of selecting a model. Depending on the perspective of the user and the goal of the analysis, the thoughts on model selection usually range somewhere between these two extremes:

  • Which mistakes must I avoid so that my model is appropriate for my analysis?
  • What else could I fine-tune to further improve the information gained from my analysis?

Based on some experiences, we would like to emphasize a thought here: Although selecting a model is often not the last step of a statistical analysis, it must be clear that deciding for one and against another model is never merely a necessary step towards a final results (such as e.g. an ANOVA, a Tukey-test etc.), but always also in itself already knowledge gained and thus a result as well.

Fixed terms

Wald-type F tests (ANOVA)

in progress

Post hoc analysis


in progress

Tukey’s test etc.

Tukey’s test, a.k.a. the Tukey’s range test, Tukey-Kramer method, Tukey’s honest significance test, or Tukey’s HSD (honestly significant difference) test.

in progress

Random terms

Model Fit Statistics


The likelihood function (often simply called the likelihood) measures the goodness of fit (for given values of the unknown parameters) of a model to a dataset. Thus, it measures how likely it is that a certain model fits a certain dataset.

As Piepho & Edmondson (2018) point out: “Significance tests (i.e., likelihood ratio tests in this case) can also be used to select between variance structures that are hierarchically nested, but not all structures meet this requirement, hence our preference for AIC.”


In terms of model selection, the AIC is based on, and can be seen as an enhancement of the (Log-)likelihood. Selecting the model with the smaller AIC value is standard procedure when comparing REML-based models that differ only in the random/error part of the model. In other words, REML-based models must be identical regarding their fixed effects to be comparable via AIC.

"A standard procedure is to fit a set of candidate models and to pick the best fitting one based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC) (Burnham & Anderson, 2002), which is computed from


where p is the number of variance–covariance parameters and logLR is the maximized residual log-likelihood. The term 2p acts as a penalty for model complexity and helps provide a balance between model realism on the one hand and model parsimony on the other. The smaller the value of AIC, the better is the fit." (Piepho & Edmondson, 2018).

Notice that “AIC could also be used to select fixed-effects model components, but this would require switching from REML to full maximum likelihood (ML) estimation. As REML is preferable to ML for variance parameter estimation (Searle et al., 1992) and good distributional approximations are available for fixed-effects hypothesis testing (Kenward & Roger, 1997, 2009), we prefer Wald-type F tests and t tests for inference on fixed-effects model terms” (Piepho & Edmondson, 2018).


in progress


Please feel free to contact us about any of this!