

When fitting linear mixed models, the glmmTMB package is nice, because it feels like lme4 but additionally allows for several covariance structures for the random effects.


However, this only works for random terms on the G-side of the model and not for the error term (= R-side).


But there is a workaround! We can fix the error variance to be 0 and thus force all the variance into the G-side. If we do so and also add a random “pseudo error term” that mimics the original error term, we have created a model that essentially leads to identical results.


Once this is clear, we can use all the available variance structures on our pseudo error term!


  1. Remove original error variance from R-side via dispformula = ~ 0.
  2. Add pseudo error variance to G-side via random term.
    • In the simple case, this can be done via + (1 | unit) where unit is a factor with as many levels as there are observations in the dataset.

Basically go from here…

StandErrMod <- glmmTMB(
  y ~
    fixedeffects +
    (1 | randomeffects),

  data = dat

…to here!

dat <- dat %>%
 mutate(unit = as.factor(1:n()))

PseudErrMod <- glmmTMB(
 y ~
   fixedeffects +
   (1 | randomeffects) +
   (1 | unit),      # Pseudo Err
 dispformula = ~ 0, # ErrVar = 0
 data = dat


Here are two examples for the pseudo-error approach based on this dataset:

  • Example 1 We assume no special variance structure for the error term and thus independent & identically distributed errors. We compare two glmmTMB models - one with a standard error term and one with a pseudo-error term.
  • Example 2 We assume a diagonal variance structure for the factor date and thus allow for different heterogeneous error variances / heteroscedascity per group for the effect levels of date. We compare a pseudo-error-glmmTMB model with nlme::lme() model.

Example 1: iid

The variance component estimates of both models are very similar. As expected the Residual variance in the pseudo-error model is 0 and instead there is an additional variance for the random unit term.

group variance sd sd_2.5 sd_97.5 var_prop
block 2.812 1.677 0.635 4.431 0.227
Residual 9.591 3.097 0.773
group variance sd sd_2.5 sd_97.5 var_prop
block 2.810 1.676 0.634 4.430 0.227
unit 9.592 3.097 2.519 3.808 0.773
Residual 0.000 0.000 0.000

The Likelihood/AIC values are identical for both models.

Modnames K AIC Delta_AIC LL
StandErrMod 18 308.1365 0 -136.0683
PseudErrMod 18 308.1365 0 -136.0683

Example 2: diag

The variance component estimates are similar enough.

effect grp variance
block (Intercept) 1.596600
unit date21Aug1990 4.305625
unit date28Aug1990 15.507844
Residual 0.000000
effect grp variance
block (Intercept) 1.596602
Residual 21Aug1990 4.306075
Residual 28Aug1990 15.505124

Furthermore, even though we are comparing across different model classes, we also get similar model fit statistics.

logLik AIC BIC
-131.9636 301.9272 342.9459
logLik AIC BIC
-131.9636 301.9271 337.48

More Details!

Check out the GitHub issue I’ve written on this topic at the glmmTMB repository, where Ben Bolker - the author of this R-package - replied. Here are some key points:

  • This works only for gaussian mixed models and thus not for generalized mixed models!
  • As is the case in Example 1, we sometimes get a false convergence warning for the pseudo-error-model but not for the standard model.
  • Actually, dispformula=~0 does not fix the residual variance to be 0, but to be a small non-zero value.
    • Because of this, the variance component estimates will never be exactly identical.
    • At present it is set to sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), which is the squareroot of the smallest possible positive floating-point number.
    • Ben Bolker commented that “One piece of low-hanging fruit would be to allow the small non-zero value to be user-settable via glmmTMBControl”.
  • Possible covariance structures
    • Find all possible structures here
    • Note that cs is heterogeneous compound symmetry and there is no homogeneous compound symmetry!
    • As can be seen in example 2, we need a + 0 in the diag(date + 0 | unit), since leaving it out would by default lead to estimating not only the desired heterogeneous variances, but an additional overall variance.
    • Currently, we cannot have Kronecker product / direct product / varComb() as variance structure, as confirmed in this GitHub issue.

Mooore Details!

  • If you are wondering how to extract the variance component estimates as I did for example 2 and you are mad that I did not show the code, click here to find the R-code of this document.
  • Check out the chapters on this website to see more/other uses of this approach.

Please feel free to contact us about any of this!
